Fear knocked at the door,
and Faith answered it.
But Faith found no one there—
because Faith drives out Fear!
Doubt and Insecurity knocked at the door,
and Faith answered it.
But Faith found no one there—
because Faith drives out Doubt and Insecurity!
Anxiety and Stress knocked at the door,
and Faith answered it.
But Faith found no one there—
because Faith drives out Anxiety and Stress!
Discouragement and Depression knocked at the door,
and Faith answered it.
But Faith found no one there—
because Faith drives out Discouragement and Depression!
Trial and Challenge knocked at the door,
and Faith answered it…and let them in.
They fellowshipped till the wee hours of the morning,
until finally, Trial and Challenge left,
and only Faith remained—
stronger than ever before!
(Poem taken from “Dare to Dream Again”, by Jeff Chacon, 2004, IPI Publishing; https://ipibooks.ecwid.com/Dare-to-Dream-Again-p64183203)